New Adventures
This is the blog of vifyrv. VifyrV is the icon of Down if you’re down. Musician Jason Turnipseed. It took me a while to get back to working on this website. Life has been busy. And now I am learning to navigate Squarespace in order to have an actual domain name for my site, and to make sure there is content on this site and not just a half finished artists profile. As of now I am currently using the Instagram platform to document my works. I would like to build this site into a place where I can share my works and ongoing experiments with Sampling and Synthesis. I plan on offering up sample packs to the public. As I build various devices and experiment with sound I plan to occasionally offer a sample pack for download with some information regarding how the sounds were made and/or collected. I should add at least a single image of something I have been working on lately and write about it in a blog post.
For now I’m calling it the LaunchKeyPi. It’s a Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspbian and Renoise connected to a Novation LaunchKey Mini Mk3. Renoise handles both the synth and sampled sounds and are easily MIDI-mapped in the Keyzone view. The knobs from left to right are:
Drum Distortion
Synth Filter Cutoff
Synth Filter Resonance
LFO rate
LFO strength
Chip 1 (currently square)
Chip 2 (currently saw)
Oscillator pitch
It’s coming together so far. I am still working on learning how to code in an auto-launch feature so that no visual interface will be necessary. Here’s a Video of the setup in action: